JAIPUR: In an incident that shattered the Pink City’s image as a safe destination for tourists, a 25-year-old US citizen was molested and her28-year old companion beaten up by a mob of Maharaja College students near Gokhale Hostel under Lal Kothi police station area late on Friday night.The duo was on their way home to Adarsh Nagar area, where they are staying as paying guests, after having dinner at a five-star hotel. The youths who were allegedly drunk intercepted the bike which the couple was riding and harassed them. One of the youths allegedly tore the clothes of the girl. Police raided the Gokhale Hostel soon after the incident and arrested 10 students in this regard.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
"Pub bharo", said a minister in the UPA government, signaling that the Congress party has travelled a long way since MKGandhi's Dandi march. (Well, nobody accuses them of being Gandhi's legatees anyway). But what happens if morally un-policed Pink Panties punks fill pubs? Here's a glimpse into what can happen: on Valentine's Day eve they get drunk and target women to tear their clothes off:
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